Online Psychotherapy

Online psychotherapy is just as effective as face-to-face psychotherapy. It is focused on those people who for work or personal reasons can not meet the weekly schedules of a therapy.

The type of help and support is the same as a face-to-face therapy. It is attended with the same professionalism and in a personalized way, in the first sessions an evaluation of the problem will be made and in the following sessions it will be treated in a more personal way.

Online psychotherapy

You only need to have a cell phone, a computer or tablet or similar.

The session can be carried out wherever the patient is most comfortable; from home, on vacation or anywhere in the world, ensuring the comfort of the patient.

Online psychotherapy is indicated for all people who are going through difficult moments in their lives and do not find meaning in their existence.

What is an online therapy session like?

Although most professionals believe that psychotherapy, at least the first interviews, is best carried out in person, this does not mean that the online modality is less effective.

Online psychotherapy is carried out in the same way as face-to-face, the main difference is the communication channel: mobile, tablet or computer.

The techniques used, the help, the therapeutic alliance are the same as face-to-face therapy.

Online therapy has the same privacy, discretion and patient confidentiality as face-to-face therapy.

What are the differences between online therapy and face-to-face therapy?

Both use the same techniques and the results are the same, the only thing that changes is the way of communicating.  Online therapy also has certain benefits such as:

  • Time flexibility.
  • Convenience.
  • Saving time by avoiding travel and waiting.

If you need to know more, or need help you can contact me by email or WhatsApp in the contact details, specify a day and time and start your online therapy.

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